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发布时间:2022年05月18日 11:08   文章来源:   浏览次数:

尚娇娇,副研究员。2011年和2014年分别获得四川大学双学士学位和工学硕士学位;2014年获得国家建设高水平大学公派研究生奖学金赴德国汉堡大学化学系攻读博士学位;2019年通过四川大学人才引进项目特聘为副研究员。截至目前,在国内外期刊发表论文50余篇。2021年四川省“天府峨眉计划”青年项目获得者、2021年度四川大学诚信教育优秀主讲教师、2020年“中国化学纤维工业协会恒逸基金”优秀学术论文奖、2019年四川省海外高层次留学人才。担任Mater. Chem. Phys., ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Adv. Eng. Mater., Diam. Relat. Mater., Front. Bioeng. Biotech., Mater. Today. Commun.等杂志审稿人。中国(四川)自由贸易试验区川南临港区管理委员会纺织专业中级职称评审委员会专家生物质科学与工程创新班材料平台负责人和导师。

联系方式:jiaoj.shang@scu.edu.cn  ,四川省成都市武侯区四川大学望江校区皮革楼509






1、基于天然多糖淀粉为载体的协同负载Fe(II)微胶囊系统的构建及其生物学应用(2021YJ0290), 四川省科技厅应用基础研究面上项目,15万,2021.04-2023.03

2、基于生物质材料的自驱动智能水凝胶的研究(YJ201959) 中央高校人才引进基金:30万, 2019.03-2022.03


4、生物质基水凝胶长效控释系统的开发(22H0040),校企研发: 10 2022.01-2023.01


1、Jiezhou Pan, Guidong Gong, Qin Wang, Jiaojiao Shang, Yunxiang He, Chelsea Catania, Dan Birnbaum, Yifei Li, Zhijun Jia1, Yaoyao Zhang*, Neel S. Joshi* and Junling Guo*, A single-cell nanocoating of probiotics for enhanced amelioration of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Nature Communication, 2022, 13:2117

2、Xue Liao1, Zhenyu Xiang1, Ying Lei, Zijun Zhu, Junling Guo, Shaojian Lin, Jiaojiao Shang*, Facile fabrication of pH-controlled drug release mat via engineering 3D reversible gel-like nanofibers. Polymer, 2022, 252: 124925

3、Lin Yang1, Jiaojiao Shang1, Baojie Dou, Jianwu Lan, Chenxi Zhang, Rui Zou, Hongyan Xiao, Shaojian Lin*. CO2-responsive functional cotton fibers decorated with Ag nanoparticles for“smart” selective and enhanced dye adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 429:128327

4、Ying Qi1, Shaojian Lin1, Jianwu Lan, Yifei Zhan, Junling Guo, Jiaojiao Shang*. Fabrication of super-high transparent cellulose films with multifunctional performancees via postmodification strategy. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 260: 117760

5、Jiaojiao Shang, Xiaoxia Le, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen* and Patrick Theato*. Trends in polymeric shape memory hydrogels and hydrogel actuators. Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 10:1036

6、 Heba Gaballa, Jiaojiao Shang, Sabrina Meier, Patrick Theato*. The glucose-responsive behavior of a block copolymer featuring boronic acid and glycine. Journal of polymer science. Part A polymer chemistry, 2019, 57: 422

7、Jiaojiao Shang, Patrick Theato*.Smart composite hydrogel with pH-, ionic strength- and temperature-induced actuation. Soft Matter, 2018, 14:8401

8、Jiaojiao Shang, Shaojian Lina and Patrick Theato*. UV-triggered shape-controllable PP fabric. Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 9:3232

9、Jiaojiao Shang, Guo Yao, Ronghui Guo, Wei Zheng, Long Gu, Jianwu Lan*. Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable thermoplastic elastomers derived from N′,N-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-pyromellitimide, poly(butylene succinate) and polyethylene glycol. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2018, 12:457

10、Jiaojiao Shang, Shaojian Lin and Patrick Theato*. Fabrication of color changeable CO2 sensitive nanofibers. Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8:7446


1、一种聚酯弹性体/阳离子聚酯并列复合弹性纤维及其制备方法(授权),中国,授权公告号:CN 111534888 B,授权日期2021.04.20

2、一种高熔点聚醚酯弹性体及其制备方法,中国CN 108752574 A

3、一种可自修复的含呋喃基团的生物基不饱和聚酯树脂及其制备方法和应用, 中国CN 113527646 A

4、一种可降解聚酯/聚醚嵌段共聚物,聚乳酸可降解复合纤维及其制备方法, 中国CN 113603875 A

5、 一种尼龙6和热塑性聚酯弹性体并列复合弹性纤维及其制备方法, 中国CN 113638077 A

6、一种聚酰胺类并列复合弹性纤维及其制备方法 中国CN 113174654 A


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